Bertrand Russell Quotes

The essence of the Liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment.

Bertrand Russell

Science is what you know. Philosophy is what you don't know.

Bertrand Russell

Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination.

Bertrand Russell

Every advance in civilization has been denounced as unnatural while it was recent

Bertrand Russell

The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.

Bertrand Russell

The degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts.

Bertrand Russell

This idea of weapons of mass exterminations utterly horrible and is something which no one with one spark of humanity can tolerate. I will not pretend to obey a government which is organizing a mass massacre of mankind

Bertrand Russell

Awareness of universals is called conceiving, and a universal of which we are aware is called a concept.

Bertrand Russell

What hunger is in relation to food, zest is in relation to life.

Bertrand Russell

Men who are unhappy, like men who sleep badly, are always proud of the fact

Bertrand Russell

Throughout the long period of religious doubt, I had been rendered very unhappy by the gradual loss of belief, but when the process was completed, I found to my surprise that I was quite glad to be done with the whole subject

Bertrand Russell

Man needs, for his happiness, not only the enjoyment of this or that, but hope and enterprise and change.

Bertrand Russell

This idea of weapons of mass exterminations utterly horrible and is something which no one with one spark of humanity can tolerate. I will not pretend to obey a government which is organizing a mass massacre of mankind

Bertrand Russell

Both in thought and in feeling, even though time be real, to realize the unimportance of time is the gate of wisdom.

Bertrand Russell

The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.

Bertrand Russell
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